Thursday, November 8, 2007

'Tis the Season

Our show season is finally over, and now the holiday season can officially begin! A few events that are coming up:

Saturday Nov. 10th from 1- 3 (or whenever!) we are having a drop in class by Phyllis Poor, a fiber artist. We will be making flower pins using a rug hooking technique. Bring yarn and buttons that inspire you, or use what we have. This should be very inspiring!

Friday thru Sunday November 23rd-25th open 12-6 will be our annual Holiday Open House! Yummy goodies to munch on, hot apple cider, and of course, lots of Christmas twinkle! Hope you can make it in!

Hooking Projects by Phyllis Poor

Hooking Projects by Phyllis Poor
Here are some beautiful bags created by Phyllis, we sell kits to make these bags too!

Bag by Phyllis Poor

Bag by Phyllis Poor

Another bag by Phyllis

Another bag by Phyllis

Taking a Nap...

Taking a Nap...
Max (left) and Teddy (right) have a great time in the bed at The Cooperage!